After 40 years in the industry, I have seen how hard it sometimes is to simply ‘go to work’ no matter what our body is telling us simply because we must provide for our families.

It can be an act of courage and certainly an act of love.

After 40 years in the industry, I have seen how hard it sometimes is to simply ‘go to work’ no matter what our body is telling us simply because we must provide for our families.

It can be an act of courage and certainly an act of love.

“The Story of Hold Me Baby”
Carpal Tunnel & Pain Relief Tool for Pro-Painters

I was scared… 

I was sad… 

I was unable to hold things for long periods of time…

You see, I was pro-painter and Master paperhanger for 28 years before I retired from those fields after a rough fall with injuries.

Then I managed a small bi-coastal company in Palm Springs, CA  and West Palm Beach, FL  for awhile.

I didn’t enjoy the constant sitting of desk work so I started and ran a wallpaper *removal company in Sarasota, Fl for 18 years called Totally Off The Wall! where I also wrote ‘The Definitive Guide to Wallpaper Removal’.

Finally, all those years of working with my hands caught-up with me and my body shouted “NO!” My hands would sometimes curl up and not release —I had to use my other hand to un-bend my fingers!

I was developing arthritis pain and my thumb and my forefinger often burned with pain! My joints were slower to bend and much less flexible!

And this really pained me because I am also an artist and amateur musician who plays recorder.

I was so troubled! I really did not know *what* to do! Then COVID-19 came and my business dropped-off. While I sat at home in 2020 with my pain-wracked hands I got a bit angry and wanted to stop feeling sorry for myself. I had to take responsibility for my life and I choose to Act! I took my savings (and frankly, my credit cards) and my knowledge and skills I had developed 30 years before as an itinerant product designer (that’s a whole other story involving Millions of lost dollars) and I developed the product ’Hold Me Baby!’ for pro-painters —who I knew were (just like me) in pain simply from having skillfully worked for years at their trade.

It took nearly a full year, with the help of many good people, careful development and testing, plus the inevitable prototyping and manufacturing mistakes along the way to develop a product that my pro-painters testers *Instantly Understood* —and Loved! It Works!

I was *THERE*! Oh, Yes! And *there indeed I was!  OMG! 😱😅

I had ‘thousands’ of packaged product sitting around —and in Florida where I live we don’t have basements. I was in danger of being like that fellow we’ve heard about with thousands of copies of his unsold novel in his basement —but we don’t have basements! 😬

So, now I have to learn to effectively *Market this beautiful, inexpensive solution to hand, thumb, finger and forearm pain to my fellow men and women pro-painters who would immediately and daily (hourly) benefit from its use.

And so I wrote this little history of how ‘Hold Me Baby!’ came to be so that you would understand that this is for ‘all of us!’. I solved a pain problem that we ALL have —or will soon have.

I truly believe that using ‘Hold Me Baby!’ *before joint pain develops* will *actually delaythe crippling effects of tightly grasping a paintbrush for hours daily and extend your pain-free career.

‘Hold Me Baby!’ allows you to either Not Use your thumb to hold you paintbrush —or allows you to hold your brush with Far Less thumb pressure then ever possible before!


It *just works*… plus there are other benefits you will soon discover by seldom having to put down your brush while answering / dialing the phone, climbing a scaffolding, etc.

Buy ‘Hold Me Baby!’ from me directly and PLEASE ask you paint store manager /assistant manager to carry ‘Hold Me Baby!’ so your fellow painters may benefit from it!

They come 2 per package…. one for your 4” brush, and one for your 2.5” / 3” angled brush. REALLY helps support the weight of a ‘loaded’ 4” brush! Plus you won’t drop it and have to stop and clean it!

Presently under development I have a product that will help all of us (and our Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles) to hold smaller, artistic paint brushes plus pens, pencils, knitting needles, crochet hooks, etc. Even forks and spoons!

It is not only painters who are in pain!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube!

Connect with me on Facebook by joining our FB Group: painersinpain

Please share your personal story (and perhaps a very short video?)

*Follow* us for NEW PRODUCTS designed and packaged in USA on:

Instagram: paintersinpain 

YouTube: Painters in Pain / Solution!

PS: My Wallpaper Removal Book for Pro-Painters is soon coming out as an eBook on the web! This has 18 years of full-time wallpaper removal experience inside of it!!

“The Story of Hold Me Baby”
Carpal Tunnel & Pain Relief Tool for Pro-Painters

I was scared… 

I was sad… 

I was unable to hold things for long periods of time…

You see, I was pro-painter and Master paperhanger for 28 years before I retired from those fields after a rough fall with injuries.

Then I managed a small bi-coastal company in Palm Springs, CA  and West Palm Beach, FL  for awhile.

I didn’t enjoy the constant sitting of desk work so I started and ran a wallpaper *removal company in Sarasota, Fl for 18 years called Totally Off The Wall! where I also wrote ‘The Definitive Guide to Wallpaper Removal’.

Finally, all those years of working with my hands caught-up with me and my body shouted “NO!” My hands would sometimes curl up and not release —I had to use my other hand to un-bend my fingers!

I was developing arthritis pain and my thumb and my forefinger often burned with pain! My joints were slower to bend and much less flexible!

And this really pained me because I am also an artist and amateur musician who plays recorder.

I was so troubled! I really did not know *what* to do! Then COVID-19 came and my business dropped-off. While I sat at home in 2020 with my pain-wracked hands I got a bit angry and wanted to stop feeling sorry for myself. I had to take responsibility for my life and I choose to Act! I took my savings (and frankly, my credit cards) and my knowledge and skills I had developed 30 years before as an itinerant product designer (that’s a whole other story involving Millions of lost dollars) and I developed the product ’Hold Me Baby!’ for pro-painters —who I knew were (just like me) in pain simply from having skillfully worked for years at their trade.

It took nearly a full year, with the help of many good people, careful development and testing, plus the inevitable prototyping and manufacturing mistakes along the way to develop a product that my pro-painters testers *Instantly Understood* —and Loved! It Works!

I was *THERE*! Oh, Yes! And *there indeed I was!  OMG! 😱😅

I had ‘thousands’ of packaged product sitting around —and in Florida where I live we don’t have basements. I was in danger of being like that fellow we’ve heard about with thousands of copies of his unsold novel in his basement —but we don’t have basements! 😬

So, now I have to learn to effectively *Market this beautiful, inexpensive solution to hand, thumb, finger and forearm pain to my fellow men and women pro-painters who would immediately and daily (hourly) benefit from its use.

And so I wrote this little history of how ‘Hold Me Baby!’ came to be so that you would understand that this is for ‘all of us!’. I solved a pain problem that we ALL have —or will soon have.

I truly believe that using ‘Hold Me Baby!’ *before joint pain develops* will *actually delaythe crippling effects of tightly grasping a paintbrush for hours daily and extend your pain-free career.

‘Hold Me Baby!’ allows you to either Not Use your thumb to hold you paintbrush —or allows you to hold your brush with Far Less thumb pressure then ever possible before!


It *just works*… plus there are other benefits you will soon discover by seldom having to put down your brush while answering / dialing the phone, climbing a scaffolding, etc.

Buy ‘Hold Me Baby!’ from me directly and PLEASE ask you paint store manager /assistant manager to carry ‘Hold Me Baby!’ so your fellow painters may benefit from it!

They come 2 per package…. one for your 4” brush, and one for your 2.5” / 3” angled brush. REALLY helps support the weight of a ‘loaded’ 4” brush! Plus you won’t drop it and have to stop and clean it!

Presently under development I have a product that will help all of us (and our Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles) to hold smaller, artistic paint brushes plus pens, pencils, knitting needles, crochet hooks, etc. Even forks and spoons!

It is not only painters who are in pain!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube!

Connect with me on Facebook by joining our FB Group: painersinpain

Please share your personal story (and perhaps a very short video?)

*Follow* us for NEW PRODUCTS designed and packaged in USA on:

Instagram: paintersinpain 

YouTube: Painters in Pain / Solution!

PS: My Wallpaper Removal Book for Pro-Painters is soon coming out as an eBook on the web! This has 18 years of full-time wallpaper removal experience inside of it!!

Carpal Tunnel & Pain Relief Tool for Pro-Painters - Hold Me Baby

‘Hold Me Baby’

+ $2.99 SHIPPING